Rampart Books aims is to be one of the top independent publishers within the UK by delivering excellent commercial fiction, especially crime and mystery fiction in its many genres. We will also consider other fiction if it is well-written and with an outstanding story to create amazing books and turn them into bestsellers. We look forward to working with authors from across the world to turn their wonderful books into bestsellers.
We accept submissions from agents, previously published authors (including self-published authors) with long backlists, to first-time writers with only one book to their credit. We are dedicated to pouring all our efforts into each and every book we publish.
Become a Rampart Books author and start the ball rolling to build your author career.
Rampart Books is a proud member of the Independent Publishers Guild and The Crime Writers’ Association.
Before submitting, please read the guidelines below.
Our primary genres are crime fiction, murder mysteries, psychological thrillers, domestic noir, cosy crime, suspense, and police procedurals. We are also in women’s fiction, historical fiction, romance novels, series, literary fiction, and sagas.
We encourage all authors from all backgrounds to make their voices heard, our main concern is the quality of the story.
We are looking for great stories, with new ideas, excellent writing, and with an original voice. If you have something interesting to say about your world show it to us as we are looking for writers we can believe in.
So, if you are a debut novelist without an agent or agented authors, to indie self-represented writers and authors who are already well-established, we are interested.
Submissions are welcome from around the world, but we only publish books in the English language.
We accept submissions from agents, previously published authors (including self-published authors) with long backlists, first-time writers with only one book under their belt, and anyone in between.
Please send your submission by email to: rampartbooks@mail.com
With your full-length book attached as a Word .doc or docx file.
A 150 to 200-word synopsis in the body of the email. Please include what genre you consider your book belongs in.
100 words about yourself in the body of the email.
The word submission is in the subject line of your email.
Please let us know where you heard about Rampart Books.
We will get back to you within three months if your submission is of interest. During this period only contact us if you wish to withdraw your submission or if you have signed up with a literary agent.
Please note: we receive a massive number of submissions. We read every one and would love to respond to each of them, but we just don’t have the resources to do so. If you don’t hear from us within three months, assume your submission is unsuccessful. Do not let this put you off if you don’t hear from us. What is not right for us may be what another publisher is looking for. Do not give up, as there are many opportunities to publish elsewhere.